The story of my life,my hopes and my dreams. This is what i called my real life canvas!. Born on 27 June 1980, no 2 out of 4. Living with my insane sistah, nanie for this time being in Kota Damansara.She's 2 yrs younger than me. I have an elder bro{Amirul}-we fight a lot- and sis in law(Anis).Not to forget the lil kiddo (Mira) and Her Majesty (My Mom).Well it will be a complete one if my dad is still here!!!Redha,Al fatihah. And the love of my life, other half!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

My Rib

Lady : Whom do you love in this world?
Man : You!
Lady : Who am I to you?
Man : ( Thinking, and look directly to her face with assurance)
You, my rib. My other half

Because Allah Almighty saw Adam and he was so lonely. Then, one day, during his sleep, Allah took a part of Adam’s rib and creates Hawa (Eve). All men are searching for the lost part of his rib, his other half. And when he already found his lost rib, he will never felt pain in his heart again. Because it makes him perfect, a complete body of mind and soul. A Single entity with 2 souls inside.

The couples married each other. It is the most sweet and pleasant time of their life. But it only last for a while. Years later, they were busy with their career and own life, gradually it becomes so dull.

The cruelty of life changed them and they started ignoring their dreams. They lost their love and passion for each other. They quarrel nite and day. One day, during a fight, the lady walk out from their house and yelled towards her husband “You don’t love me anymore!!!!”. He was so furious and hated her for the immature statement and replied “I regret this marriage. You are not my rib…Not my other half!!”

The lady was so stunned. For a while she kept herself silent and suddenly tears dropped from her pale cheeks. With heavy heart, she packed her things and determined to leave her husband. “If I am not part of ur ribs, and not meant for you…please let me go. Let us lead our own life and search for our true companion”.

5 years later, he still remains single and working hard searching for his ex-wife. He understands that she remarried with a foreigner and already divorced with that guy. He was so frustrated knowing his ex-wife did not wait for him, as he did for her. That nite, he drank a coffee alone, and he felt a sudden pain in his heart. He was to ego to admit that he missed her.

One day, they met at KLIA…She was there for a business trip and he was waiting for his friend.

Man : How are you?
Lady : Fine, thank you. Did you finally meet your lost rib?
Man : Not yet
Lady: I will be in New York and taking this next flight. I will be here after 2 weeks. Call me if u are free. You know my number right?I’m still using the old number.

She smile lovingly and said “Goodbye dear “. He just stared at her without saying a single word as she walks towards the departure area.

A week later, He received the news that she was one of the WTC casualties. That nite, he drank his coffee again and felt the pain in his heart. He know deep down inside, he missed her. She was his rib…his long lost rib he longed for all these years. He cried and regretted to say those harsh words to her. The pain he is having all this years are due to his longing for his wife. Their memories of love. The treasure he never realized all these years.

Moral Of the Story:
Think before u say things, whether it is equivalent to the consequences that you will have to deal in the future.


Blogger Nanie said...

benda ni akan wujud...kalaOOo ako kawin ngan en.andrew oii kok hong...mau tau kenapa? sbab ako pon sombong dan ego dan pride tinggi melampao...sama lah dgn beliau...Oh~

1:06 AM


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