The story of my life,my hopes and my dreams. This is what i called my real life canvas!. Born on 27 June 1980, no 2 out of 4. Living with my insane sistah, nanie for this time being in Kota Damansara.She's 2 yrs younger than me. I have an elder bro{Amirul}-we fight a lot- and sis in law(Anis).Not to forget the lil kiddo (Mira) and Her Majesty (My Mom).Well it will be a complete one if my dad is still here!!!Redha,Al fatihah. And the love of my life, other half!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


1. Do you think violent video games make people behave violently?
Yes…crosses my mind sometimes, but it depends on the individual to justify one’s act. I played once, but it doesn’t turn me into a Zionist!!

2. How about violent movies?
Nope, I am still here right? Not in jail so far for acting violently.
Again, depends on one’s mindset, if they can easily be affected watching violent acts, so all I can say that they have a weak mind!!..

3. How about violent music?
Huh, please refer answer no 2.

4. Do you think they should ban smoking in places like bars?
Erk…no comment. Honest opinion!...They should ban smoking in places where there’s kids and women around.

5. yes or no...American troops should be in Iraq right now?
No. Take care of your own country. Why must you bother others?...Huh…
Let them settle their own internal affairs….Penyibuk!!!

6. Should you be allowed to drive and talk on your cell phone?
No. Even when on headphones or Bluetooth. I am so much bothered talking on phone while driving.
Can’t concentrate driving and will be so pissed off whenever received gossip calls…huh!

7. Should medical marijuana be legal?
I think there’s no harm using that to ease pains. As long as it is within right doses!!

8. Should marijuana be legal for everyone?
Hell yeah…hahahah if you want us to be immoral people..Why not?
Hahahaha…so everyone will be an addict!!...Can imagine what it will be by then!!..

9. Do you think all states should have to require you to have your car inspected?
No…arghhh I want hassle free environment, now u want to add pain in the ass thing?
Hell no!!!...I am a good Samaritan!! Hahahahaha

10. Yes or you believe in the death penalty?
Both. Yes…if the convicted is too stubborn to change even after sending him to reform (based on human laws!!)
No…ppl deserves 2nd chance. We, human being don’t have the rights to take one’s life even with our human laws.
Allah created us, and He’s the only one who can take back what he created.


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